Lend a helping hand.

Volunteer With Us


Our volunteers help us deliver 24/7 support to survivors, including bilingual Latinx advocacy, as well as providing office support, prevention education, and attending outreach events! You can contact our office at 920-722-8150 for more information.


  • Office supplies: Copy paper, three-ring binders, pocket folders, paper towels, toilet paper and Kleenex.

  • Therapy Supplies: Therapeutic games and toys, sand for sand trays, fidget therapy toys for kids, new stuffed animals and lap blankets and art supplies.

  • Advocacy Supplies: Sports bras, underwear, socks, hair brushes, gas cards and gift cards for groceries, bus passes.

  • Larger Needs: Comfortable chairs for group therapy, bookcases, matching lamps, locking file cabinets, iPad or Tablets (2), new TV and DVDs for waiting area.


Volunteer Advocacy Volunteer

Reach Counseling provides crisis intervention and emotional support 24/7 to survivors of sexual abuse and their friends/family with the help of Volunteer Advocates. Volunteer Advocates are on call nights, weekends, and holidays when the Reach office is closed.

Volunteer Advocates are trained to provide emotional support, crisis intervention, information and resources to survivors of sexual abuse and assault in Winnebago County. Advocates provide these services over the phone or in person at a local hospital. Advocates work alongside medical and legal professionals to ensure survivors are supported while navigating these processes, reducing further trauma and re-victimization while tending to a survivor’s emotional needs.

Advocates must have a driver's license, car insurance and vehicle while on call. Advocates take calls through their own phones and never have to be at the Reach office while on call. Advocates must be aware they will hear details of sexual abuse and assault and should know how hearing these stories will impact them. Advocates are in charge of how many and which shifts they take and the schedule is very flexible. 

Utopia Planning Committee Volunteer

Utopia is our signature fundraising gala — an evening where we reflect on the challenges of sexual violence and reimagine a future without it. Volunteers can serve on committees like:

  • Sponsorship/Fundraising – secure sponsors and raffle items

  • Marketing/Promotions – help with invites, social media, and signage

  • Event Production – offer input on décor, food, and entertainment

  • Programming – help with speakers, scripts, and the event timeline

Prevention Education Volunteer

Our Prevention Education program is active in 71 schools in Winnebago County. We have a K-12 curriculum for sexual violence to educate about and prevent child abuse in our community. Volunteer Presenters will be trained in each grade level and will present within the schools. Additional training will be provided to answer questions from the students and respond if they disclose sexual abuse.