Trauma Counseling | Advocacy | Prevention Education | Sex Offender Treatment
The Advocacy Program provides victim-centered response at area hospitals, with law enforcement and throughout the judicial system. Victim advocates provide safety planning, skill building, short term counseling and culturally specific services. All advocacy services are offered at no cost.
Our advocacy services include:
Culturally Specific Services: Support for marginalized communities, including the Latinx community, Asian community, and people with disabilities.
Youth and Teen Advocacy: Services specifically for young people and teens who have experienced sexual violence.
Campus Advocacy: Support for survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, and/or stalking for students at UW Oshkosh and Lawrence University.
Human Trafficking Advocacy: Advocacy for survivors of human trafficking and exploitation.
Medical and Legal Advocacy: Assistance for survivors in navigating medical and legal systems, including support during forensic exams, court proceedings, and interactions with law enforcement.
Survivor Support Groups: Safe spaces for survivors to connect, share, and heal together.
24/7 Helpline: Immediate response to survivors of sexual violence, offering guidance and connection to additional services.
Reach conducts a variety of support groups for survivors of violence and abuse. Our current offerings include:
HOPE (Hang on, pain ends): Women Survivor Support Group
Latina Women: Mujeres Adelante
For current meeting times and location(s), contact our office at 920-722-8150 or connect with our case manager Tracie at